
two studios and dining table

the first studio designed for Angela Merkel is a combination of differntly sezed rectangle boxes, with a rather curved texture applied. she was famous for her strenth and power at politics, while she is still a woman herself. a combination of hardness and softness is my main idea of this studio.

this studio designed for Hellen Keller is simpler, for i must make it easy for her to live and work. it is a suspended building, for there is alomost no rain in Grand Canyon, it has no roof. the material is one of my hand drawn textures according to the word linear.

id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5483247358932316418" border="0" alt="" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiZPBNQBEK32Z_gHhy0lwnrYLKJPITl8-8pM5q8Fuk_KSalJRgCMzb_p6-NKS1T3rAprtaaxvrCh-NXIawjV4qWPtDShhA9ZD6yvvQ5lEuU9WfRfTZs4EUsP4tI334euLR2zNcAYDY69l2T/s320/Editor+2010-06-16+14-34-58-92.bmp" /> this is the dining table, its color changes by distance. it is light blue when it's far, and turns to red when you stand close.

